Eyebag Removal

In Beleco clinic, we provide the best eye bag removal treatment in Klang Valley. Among our exceptional services is the removal of dark circles under the eyes. Not only do we offer the best services, but we also have advanced technology to enhance your appearance, making you look youthful and healthy once again. We offer two types of procedures that can be beneficial for you, which are the internal incision and the external incision.

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1) Internal Incision (Transconjunctival Incision)

An internal incision for eye bags, also known as transconjunctival blepharoplasty, involves making a cut on the inner surface of the eyelid (conjunctiva) to access and modify the underlying fat pads. This approach is commonly used when the main concern is excess fat causing under-eye bags. The advantage of this technique is that it avoids visible external scars since the incision is hidden inside the lower eyelid. This method is effective in addressing under eye bags treatment while maintaining a natural and scar-free appearance.

  • Location: The incision is made on the inner surface of the eyelid (conjunctiva). This approach avoids visible external scars.
  • Purpose: Internal incisions are primarily used to access and modify the underlying fat pads in the lower eyelid (transconjunctival blepharoplasty). They are typically used when the primary concern is excess fat causing under eye bags, and there is minimal or no excess skin.
  • Scarring: Because the incision is inside the eyelid, there are no external visible scars.


  1. Anesthesia: The patient is administered local anesthesia to numb the eyelid area, ensuring they are comfortable and pain-free during the procedure.
  2. Incision: A small incision is made on the inner surface of the lower eyelid, specifically on the conjunctiva, which is the thin membrane covering the white part of the eye. This internal incision allows access to the underlying fat pads causing the eye bags.
  3. Fat Repositioning or Removal: The surgeon carefully adjusts or removes excess fat deposits causing the under-eye bags. In some cases, the fat is repositioned to create a smoother contour.
  4. Closure: Once the necessary modifications are made, the incision is closed using dissolvable sutures. As the incision is inside the eyelid, there are no external visible scars.
  5. Recovery: After the procedure, the patient is monitored for a short period and then allowed to return home. Patients may experience mild swelling and bruising, which usually subsides within a few weeks. Cold compresses and prescribed medications are often recommended to manage post-operative discomfort and swelling. Patients are scheduled for follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process and ensure optimal results.

Suitable Candidates:

  • Fat Pad Removal
  • Minimal or No Excess Skin
  • Scarring Concerns
  • Smooth Contour
  • Youthful Enhancement

2) External Incision (Transcutaneous Incision)

The external incision of the eye bag, also known as transcutaneous blepharoplasty, involves making incisions on the outside of the lower eyelid to address under-eye bags and excess skin. This surgical technique allows direct access to the underlying fat pads and muscles, enabling the surgeon to remove or reposition excess fat and tighten sagging skin.

Location: An external incision is typically made just below the lower eyelashes, providing direct access to the underlying tissues, such as fat, muscle, and skin.

Purpose: External incisions are employed in cases where both excess fat and skin need to be addressed, as in traditional lower blepharoplasty. This approach enables a thorough eyelid rejuvenation process, which may include the removal or repositioning of fat, tightening of muscles, and addressing redundant skin.

Scarring: Although this method can lead to noticeable external scars, these scars are usually effectively concealed within the natural creases of the eyelid.


  1. Anesthesia: The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, ensuring the patient is comfortable and pain-free during the surgery.
  2. Incision: The surgeon makes an external incision just below the lower eyelashes. The exact placement and length of the incision depend on the specific needs of the patient and the surgeon’s technique. This incision provides direct access to the underlying tissues.
  3. Tissue Adjustment: Depending on the patient’s requirements, the surgeon may remove or reposition excess fat to eliminate puffiness, tighten the underlying muscles, and trim excess skin. 
  4. Fat Pad Management: if there is excess fat causing under-eye bags, the surgeon may decide to remove or reposition some of the fat. This procedure is essential for creating a more even lower eyelid contour, enhancing the overall appearance of the eyes.
  5. Muscle & Skin Adjustment: The surgical approach can involve tightening or repositioning the underlying muscle (orbicularis oculi muscle) and removing excess skin based on the patient’s requirements. These modifications are essential for diminishing puffiness and enhancing the overall look of the lower eyelid.
  6. Closure: After the adjustments are made, the incisions are meticulously closed with sutures or other types of skin adhesive. The sutures are often placed within the natural creases of the eyelids to minimize the visibility of scars.
  7. Recovery: Patients are usually allowed to go home shortly after the procedure. Recovery time varies, but patients can expect bruising and swelling for a week or two. It’s essential to follow post-operative care instructions provided by the surgeon to ensure proper healing.

Suitable Candidates:

  • Excess Fat and Skin
  • Under Eye Bags
  • Muscle and Skin Laxity
  • Desire for Comprehensive Rejuvenation:
  • Good Overall Health
  • Adequate Recovery Time

Beleco Clinic Before After Results

eyebags removal before and after

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